Technology Advances


Date: 11/04/2011

By: aka

Subject: Re: Re: hacking

sql injection baba adam k jamane ki technique ho gayi hai ... iska use chodo ab....

Date: 16/03/2011

By: Shubham Bhagat

Subject: To HACK an computer

Hey dear Lavy......there's something inside my mind that i wanna ask u ........
suppose i have an IP address of an computer in the same city bt out of my reach
so is it possible to hack that computer ?
if yes then cn u pls tell it here......
or any1 using this great website of dis great tell it ...!!

so lets discuss about it!!

Date: 23/03/2011

By: rficmd

Subject: Re: To HACK an computer

ya. You could hack that very easily.
Do You know the Net BIOS Basics..??

Net Bios Hacking Tutorial is placed on this site only..
Read it out....

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